Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars in the mouth which usually erupt during the late teens or early twenties. Wisdom teeth can cause a variety of problems, whether acute or something we foresee in the future. For many people, there is not enough space to accommodate the wisdom teeth and we may advise extraction in order to avoid:
Pain from the wisdom teeth trying to come through when there is not enough space
Complications caused by impaction such as damaging the molar in front of the wisdom tooth
Dental decay due to difficult cleaning
Abscesses and cysts that can form around a wisdom tooth that is not coming through properly
Orthodontic complications when undergoing orthodontic treatment
We can provide you with a medical certificate for the time required off work. It is very important that you follow all the instructions when you get home to avoid infection and other complications. Although some swelling, pain, and bleeding is normal after wisdom teeth removal, you must call your dentist immediately if the pain or bleeding is excessive and not improving.
We are able to pair you with one of our dentists that are highly skilled and very experienced when it comes to wisdom teeth removal. Most patients feel comfortable to have their wisdom teeth extracted in the chair with just a local anesthetic. However, if you prefer to be more relaxed or even asleep for the procedure, we offer several sedation options that you can read about here. In rare circumstances, if the extractions are particularly complicated and there is a risk of nerve damage, we may refer you to a specialist Oral Surgeon.
Most people fully recover from having their wisdom teeth extracted within a week, although the socket left after the teeth are removed won’t fully heal for a few months. Your dentist will explain instructions for recovery and what you can expect based on your individual circumstances. Often the dentist will place resorbable stitches after your wisdom teeth are removed. You will be sent home with written instructions and a prescription for pain killers and antibiotics if required. For the first few days, it is best to stick to a soft diet and avoid strenuous activities.